Friday, September 21, 2012

Marry those among you who are single, or the virtuous ones among 
yourselves, male or female: if they are in poverty, Allah will give them means out of His grace: for Allah encompasseth (encompasses) all, and he knoweth (knows) all things. An-Nur 24:32The consequences of not paying attention on this important Hadeeth can be seen very clearly in the society. Modesty is a lost feature now. Dating can be seen as a habit in youngsters. If a youngster does not have a boyfriend or girlfriend, he/she is considered to be very outdated and good for nothing. We are progressing towards a society, where Zina is becoming a very common feature. And all this is because of delay in marriages - which is due to lack of money to spend extravagance in unnecessary rituals. Nowadays, it is easy to indulge in Zina. We have made Zina easier for our youngsters than getting married. If a youngster really wants to follow Shariah, and asks his parents to get him or her married, the answer they get is that ‘We are not in a situation to get you married before one or two years, we need some more time to collect the required money’. And after this if this youngster gets involved in a relationship not allowed by Shariah, whom are you going to blame?MAY ALLAH BLESS YOU AND SEND BLESSING UPON YOU AND BRING GOODNESS BETWEEN YOU. INSYALLAH.

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Dosa dan Hayat

Jiwa kosong  datang lagi menghantui hati ini
dosa berulang- ulang dilakukan
keinsafan hanya sementara
namun kemahuan adalah sesuatu yang suci
tetapi diri sanggat lemah menahan nafsu kusam ini.
Ya Allah sesungguhnya engkau maha melindungi dan memelihara
Engkau taubat nasuha kan la makhlukMu ini,
jauhkan dari perkara munkar dan kuatkan makhlukmu ini 
dengan perkara suci.
sesungguhnya syurga mu terlalu indah,
sehingga akal fikiran tidak termampu 
membayangkan yang tak indah. 
Serta neraka Mu sungguh menerkah,
akal fikiranpun berhenti untuk menafikannya.
Sesungguhnya Allah adalah pencipta sekalian alam.
alam realiti dan fantasi untuk segala makhluk dan ciptaanmu.
Diri berdoa agar perkara suci yang menemani sepanjang Hayat.
Dengan izinMu ya Allah.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

I won't give on us.

18022010Herdy Ryan.
18.september.2012 Tuesday

When I look into your eyes 
It's like watching the night sky 
Or a beautiful sunrise 
There's so much they hold 
And just like them old stars 
I see that you've come so far 
To be right where you are 
How old is your soul? 

I won't give up on us 
Even if the skies get rough 
I'm giving you all my love 
I'm still looking up 

And when you're needing your space 
To do some navigating 
I'll be here patiently waiting 
To see what you find 

'Cause even the stars they burn 
Some even fall to the earth 
We've got a lot to learn 
God knows we're worth it 
No, I won't give up 

I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily 
I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make 

Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use the tools and gifts we got Yeah, we got a lot at stake 
And in the end you're still my friend, at least we did intend for us to work 
We didn't break, we didn't burn 
We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in 
I had to learn what I've got, and what I'm not 
And who I am. 

I won't give up on us 
Even if the skies get rough 
I'm giving you all my love 
I'm still looking up 
Still looking up... 

I won't give up on us 
God knows I'm tough, He knows 
We've got a lot to learn 
God knows we're worth it 

I won't give up on us 
Even if the skies get rough 
I'm giving you all my love 
I'm still looking up..

Allah Please blesses my love!